Convert your cool photos into fun Text Art (i.e. Pictures made by Text) or Notepad Art with our awesome free 

Image to ASCII Picture Generator

 tool online. Adjust your Artwork using various filters and share it on a Facebook post, Instagram bio, WhatsApp status, Snapchat, Github Markdown (Copy and Paste), Discord Server or download text-based art as microsoft word file or graphics format like PNG.
Drag & Drop Image, or Click here to select a file to Convert.

How to use the Tool:

We tried to provide precise controls to fine-tune your desired Artworks in our Image to ASCII Picture Generator tool. From basic settings like brightness and contrast to advanced-level settings like Edge Detection & Thresholding. Also, there are Hue, Sepia, and Greyscale adjustment options. Just drag those controls and have fun.

Tool Settings (Basic):

  • Characters: Use this to control the ASCII art size; depending on the level, it will fill the images with characters.
  • Brightness: Use this to tune the art light or dark.
  • Contrast: Adjust this slider to increase or decrease the contrast of the Text art, i.e., light and dark portions.
  • Saturation: This setting controls the color intensity. Move the slider to make it more color vibrant.
  • Hue: Color Tint your creation by adjusting the hue angle.

Tool Settings (Advanced):

  • Thresholding: This control gives the art light or dark outline.
  • Sharpness: Drag this slider to adjust the sharpness of your ASCII.
  • Edge Detection: Use this setting to define the edges more prominently.

ASCII Detailing:

  • ASCII Gradient: Different gradients uses different ASCII characters to construct your Image.
  • Space Density: Control the number of spaces between two ASCII characters.
  • Quality Enhancements: This settings enhance the overall presentation of your ASCII art.
  • Transparent Frame: Adjust Opacity to your ASCII art to beautify its looks.


  • Copy to Clipboard: Click it to copy your "Notepad Art" to the system clipboard, then paste it anywhere.
  • Save as PNG: Use this button to download the Art as a .PNG image.
  • Save as .txt: Save your created ASCII as a .txt file. You can edit it later with any text editors like notepad or notepad++.
  • Reset Filter: Hit this button to start from beginning.

You can also browse our vast secion of ASCII Art collections here.